Consumption of carbide ripened fruits caused poisoning and have reported headache, dizziness, memory loss, mood disturbances, mental confusion, sleepiness, cerebral oedema, seizure, miscarriage of pregnant women.

A social campaign to create awareness about the harmful effects, carcinogenic nature of calcium carbide and advocate ethical fruit ripening.

It seems that only making quick money matters even if it comes at the cost of nature as all kinds of unscrupulous methods are used to ripen fruits artificially. The Fruit vendors have learnt the dreaded and deadly art of ripening the fruit even before they get naturally ripened for consumption. This type of ripening is done by reacting with calcium carbide and other chemicals to make the appearance of fruit attractive—notwithstanding the fact that the genetics of fruits are being compromised, as is the health of millions of consumers. These chemicals can cause sickness, nausea, stomach ache and if consumed continuously damage liver and kidney.

Naturally grown without assistance of man-made chemicals, and naturally ripened fruits mean a natural sweetness, natural aging, and as that is toxins-free, does not form a load on your system. This means that the natural vitamins and minerals that the fruits contain will help your body to maintain its immunity and would keep you illness-free. You could save on your medical bills, you can be healthy. As the fruits ripen naturally, and as you are what you eat, your aging process would also remain normal.

Avoid fruits that are treated with chemicals. Insist on your fruit vendor to give you only chemically-free Organically grown and naturally ripened fruits to you. YOU WOULD SOON REALIZE THE DIFFERENCE.

Health Hazards of Calcium Carbide CaC2


Diarrhoea with or without blood

Chest Pain

Burning sensation of chest & abdomen

Eye Burn

Burning & permanent eye damage

Skin Burn

Ulcers on the skin & rashes


Sore throat, cough & shortness of breath


Mental confusion, memory loss